Concord: Sony’s Online Shooter Takes Off in a Crowded Market – But Will It Soar?

The State of the Video Game Industry

The video game industry is facing a challenging period of uncertainty. Studio closures, skyrocketing development budgets, and market saturation are creating an environment where even the most polished games struggle to stand out. Amidst this turmoil, Sony introduces its new five-vs-five “hero” shooter, Concord.

Enter Concord: A Hero Shooter in a Warring Galaxy

Concord enters the crowded hero shooter subgenre, where players control unique characters with special powers rather than typical soldiers or space marines. Set in a galaxy controlled by an oppressive regime known as The Guild, players take on the role of Freegunners – mercenaries navigating space, battling enemies, and delivering quips in highly polished cutscenes.

Diverse Characters and Dynamic Combat

Concord offers a diverse cast of characters, each bringing variety to the battlefield. From Lark, a mushroom alien planting spores that heal allies and hinder enemies, to 1-Off, a bulky robot hurling explosive trash cans, the game’s characters offer flexible abilities that combine in dynamic ways. The Duchess, for example, can create defensive barriers to block objectives or funnel enemies into ambushes, while Daveers can deploy napalm-like Burnite, ignited by teammates’ incendiary fire for double the impact.

A Vibrant, Sci-Fi World

The game’s 12 launch maps are vibrant, sci-fi industrial spaces reminiscent of classic shooters like Quake. Maps like Spine Works and Sorting Hub feature interconnected steel walkways and warehouse choke points, while Water Hazard is set on an abandoned oil rig, complete with a giant sea monster’s remains. Train Trouble, a post-apocalyptic railway graveyard, is a standout, blending elements of Mad Max with Star Wars’ Tatooine.

The Thrill of Team-Based Combat

When it comes to the core gameplay – the moment-to-moment excitement of team-based combat – Concord shines. The movement feels slightly floaty, similar to Destiny, which works well on the game’s vertical maps. The gunplay is satisfying, with each weapon providing distinct audio and visual feedback. In those sublime moments when a team’s abilities combine in unpredictable ways, Concord delivers an exhilarating shooter experience on par with the best times in Overwatch.

The Challenge of Standing Out

Despite its strengths, Concord faces stiff competition. The game’s character types, anime-tinged visuals, and standard game modes feel familiar, echoing elements seen in Overwatch, Valorant, Apex Legends, and other popular titles. The dialogue and humor, while polished, also follow the well-worn path of post-Whedon ironic detachment, reminiscent of Marvel and Netflix YA dramas.

A Unique Meta-Game and Pricing Model

Concord introduces an intriguing meta-game element with deck-building mechanics. Players assemble their crew of characters, each with unique buffs known as Crew Bonuses. These buffs stack during matches, providing strategic advantages, particularly for organized teams. However, in the chaos of public servers, where teamwork is less coordinated, the impact of these bonuses is uncertain.

One of Concord’s boldest moves is its pricing model. Unlike many modern shooters, Concord is a premium-priced product rather than a free-to-play live service. Subsequent content will be free, avoiding the season pass model that has become ubiquitous in the industry. Additionally, the game’s commitment to diversity is unapologetic, a stance that may alienate some but is a breath of fresh air for many players.

Conclusion: Will Concord Soar Above the Competition?

Ultimately, Concord needs time, space, and a strong community to rise above its well-established competitors. While it shows promise, offering moments of sheer fun and excitement, it also feels skittish and unfocused as players are still getting acquainted with it. With its rich detail, elaborate backstory, and clear passion from the development team, Concord has the potential to find a dedicated audience. Whether it will soar to the heights of its predecessors remains to be seen, but it’s certainly a game worth watching.

Concord is available now on PC and PS5.

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